
Ashley Baker

  • images: 9
  • views: 804
  • date: 5-22-15
Hi There, My name is Ashley Baker. This portfolio is designed to show my greatest achievements and proudest products within my Art of Fashion class. it includes my final 6 look collection, my favorite piece throughout the class, and my artist statement.


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Artist statement
Who or what influenced your designs for this project? Which design elements did you borrow, and which ones are totally YOU?
A lot of factors influenced my ideas for this project. One being influential people that had a big influence on the fashion world. Like Elizabeth Taylor or Marilyn Monroe. I wanted to not only incorporate them but also connotations of their famous lifestyle including luxurious clothes and vivid patterns. I borrowed the influential people and created my own designs as if I was designing something they would wear. I did this because I know whatever I create that matches their style that they would like, their audience would be sure to love it. I was designing for clientele that care a lot about fashion.
How does the layout you chose complement your fashion designs? Why did you choose the setting/background that you did?
The setting I chose consists of elegant materials, flowy patterns, and rich jewels. I incorporated the jewels to give the collection a richer look and a sense of self relevance and self indulgence. My look is very formal and very specific for formal events, so I had to give it a backdrop that matched its formal feel.

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