
Update Your Portfolio with Social Media Links/Icons

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You can now include social media links with your portfolio. Expand your personal brand and let recruiters experience your general awesomeness by including access to your social media sites, including…
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Tumblr
  • Google+

To get started, login to your profile, click the EDIT button in the header of your profile.

Then select the PROFESSIONAL INFO tab under the EDIT INFO heading and look for the sub-heading, SOCIAL MEDIA. You’ll be able to add links to your various profiles in this location.

Make sure to hit the UPDATE PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION button at the bottom of the page to save your updates.

After doing this, the system will ad social media icons that correspond with your links. Recruiters will now be able to see more of your work, taste, inspiration, etc…
As always, updating your portfolio moves you up the blog roll and up the search results list. Draw more attention to your portfolio by updating often!