
William Chisholm

  • images: 10
  • views: 33
  • date: 1-12-17
Art of Fashion Portfolio William Chisholm
  • Region(s):
  • NY Metro, Northwest

The Beginning of Designing, Learning, and Maneuvering.

The Beginning of Designing, Learning, and Maneuvering. X
These images placed here represents the start of me expressing my creativity through notes and designing. Also, these images show me dipping within different forms of fashion and seeing what I can get out of it.

Patterns Mean Everything

Patterns Mean Everything X
This work of art I created here represents patterns and colors I designed. Out of this course, this one was my favorite. I created this in the beginning of the semester, when Fall was the season, so my colors and pattern connect to the season.

6-Look Businessman Collection

6-Look Businessman Collection X
This collection wraps up the ending of the Art of Fashion Design Course. I mixed trends with art inspirations, and winter colors.
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