Kent State University Fashion School Portfolio Showcase
Meet the Next Generation of Fashion Industry Talent at the
Kent State University Fashion School Portfolio Showcase in NYC
This spring marks the fifth year that The Fashion School at Kent State University will hold their Portfolio Showcase Event at their NYC Studio location on 39th St. in New York City. The NYC Studio is one of the School’s study away destinations that offers a unique, full-semester academic program, in the heart of the fashion industry.
On May 17, the top fashion design and merchandising students from The Fashion School’s 2018 graduating class will travel to NYC to showcase their portfolio work during a morning open-house. These recent graduates are hand-picked by a jury of designers, recruiters and faculty members through a rigorous year-long review process. These graduates will have their portfolios on display and be eagerly awaiting to connect with guests from all walks of the fashion industry.
This event was created to form a stronger relationship between academia and industry. As one of the leading fashion schools in the U.S., The Fashion School is thrilled to be able to help their students gain industry exposure and recognition for all of the outstanding work that they have done this early in their careers.
If you are interested in joining us to meet the next generation of talent, please contact Sara Snyder at to receive a formal invite and reserve your spot.